An Experienced Craftsman


### Patent Drafting

My patent drafting experience includes the fields of optics, mechanical and electrical devices, infrared technology, nanotechnology, and medical devices to USPTO and PCT specifications. The scope of my work encompasses:

* Creating original drawings from freehand sketches, photographs or prototypes
* Converting engineering diagrams to formal drawings
* Redrawing informal drawings based on an examiner’s objections
* Creating and/or improving charts and graphs

### Art Direction

My advertising experience includes art direction, studio management and creative direction. The scope of my design work encompasses:

* Catalog and direct response marketing
* Press and magazine advertising
* Package design and production
* Logo design and Corporate communication
* Academic publications
* Web design

[Call](tel:413-461-7096) or [email]( me. I’m eager to meet you, share my portfolio and learn about your business needs.